Rainbow Trout Eggs Stripped & Being Tertailized
Rainbow Trout Eggs Stripped & Being Fertailized

As of Sunday April 8th, we finally got the last of our 100.000 eggs! It has been a long, cold haul filled with uncertainty and a lot of finger crossing. They deserve a huge thank you for their persistence!

2012 Rainbow Trout Egg Collection Trays
2012 Rainbow Trout Egg Collection Trays

Stripping eggs and milt may sound like fun to some, but it involves a lot of tedious work over a long period of time. Teamwork makes it all possible.

Some of the volunteers from the 2012 egg collection.
Some of the volunteers from the 2012 egg collection.

Three Cheers to Grant McAlpine and the egg collection crew for battling frigid temperatures, frozen gloves and uncooperative fish to get our eggs. Thanks to them, all 100,000 eggs are incubating safely in the egg trays at the Kincardine hatchery.