Please read the notice we received from Mike Hahn from LHFC. We feel our members, partners and supporters should respond in full force. Your action is needed!

Good Afternoon,

The Ontario Government has made public consultation a part of any project that is deemed to “Environmental”. The work that the LHFC and most of her sister Club’s fall into that category with our Fish Stocking Program. Below is link that in a nutshell tells of the MNR’s plans to stock Natural fish into Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. In short, this means that Salmon, as well as Brown and Rainbow Trout will be eliminated from the stocking plan – as they are introduced and Naturalized species.

This is a mockery of common sense and if every member of our Club posted comments (found on the right hand side of the website link below) as to how both Angling Opportunity and Economic Benefits would be lost if the Clubs were no longer allowed to stock these species – something we have been doing for over 30 years – we may have a chance to overcome this completely unjust (and in my opinion idiotic) stocking plan.

The future of fishing these wonderful species is at risk here folks. It will only take a few minutes to comment, and it may in fact save a wonderful fishery. Click the link below. And please remember – we only have strength in numbers………

Sign the Petition

Kind Regards,

Michael Hahn