Well, it’s been a ridiculously busy year folks. We have launched the new website and although there have been a few bugs to work out; overall it has been well received. We are entering a new chapter in media communications and how our organization communicates with its’ membership and the community at large. Our website can now take us places we have never entered into before, such as expansion to other organizations, website links that can generator more memberships, showing our accomplishments and ongoing projects and so much more. Keeping this in mind we continue to require your support and assistance. We have started to receive some articles from our members for posting on the website, as well as, reports, and pictures, etc. Please keep them coming, as this enables us to generate a newsletter collectively without placing the entire onus on one individual.

I realize that our newsletter has been late getting to production; however, please know that this is not intentional nor is it due to a lack of dedication from your board of directors. We are human and the majority of us have full time jobs and families. That being said, some of our board members have been dealing with personal and familial health crisis and as of consequence getting the newsletter out has taken a back burner in the list of priorities, as I am sure you can appreciate. Please keep your well wishes and prayers for our Board of Director’s family, as we all are a dedicated group of volunteers that genuinely want the best for this organization and continue to give of themselves.

On that note, I want to say a special thank you to all the members who continue to offer their services to volunteer and who are out their promoting the benefits of membership to others in hopes of soliciting new members. Presently, we are at 217 members and while that number is down from the Spring, as there have been several who have yet to renew from last year, we have actually obtained a fairly significant number of new members. We even have a member from Quebec and Ohio – pretty cool.

I continue to ask for any and all of your input regarding any suggestions that you may have, as this is YOUR organization and your input is valued. Please send your comments to us using the contact form, or include them with your membership renewal.

Madeline Walker Membership Director Ontario Steelheaders