Backgrounder: In 1996 The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced that Denny’s Dam Conservation Area would be closed to the public due to financial constraints. The possibility existed that the property may even be sold.
The Ontario Steelheaders, consistent with its mandate, approached the Authority with an offer to lease the Park and co-manage it in order to ensure continuing access for all resource users. This resulted in a significant financial commitment to the Ontario Steelheaders. Monies generated by our activities at Denny’s Park, are from time to time earmarked for park improvements and fisheries enhancement projects. Our committee works diligently to collect funds, and to run the park efficiently, in order to make these ventures possible. The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank everyone for their timely payments which make these and other improvements to our park and our fishery possible. Thank you! It’s your park! Use it, respect it, and support it!

Chairman’s Address:

Once again campers welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed our “great” Canadian winter and may we have an equally nice summer.

Thought maybe you would like to know where some of your money went last year.

Transfer to Fisheries Projects$6,000
Waste Management (dumpster)$2,400
Saugeen Consveration Authority (Park Lease)$2,300
Septic & Portable Rental$1,135
Banking Fees$250

This year we purchased a new mower for Doug to continue keeping our park in such great shape. The only thing he’s missing is a racing stripe on his new black machine!

Denny's Dam Saugeen River Park Project
Denny’s Dam Saugeen River Park Project

I must once again remind everyone to follow the park rules especially late night noise. It is part of our contract with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority that we must control excessive noise at all times. Thanks to everyone for their help last year and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon! On behalf of camp committee; thank you!


Gary Sherman

Denny’s Park Project Director
Ontario Steelheaders